Thursday, November 21, 2019

Advertising psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Advertising psychology - Essay Example In fact, medium through which ideas are expressed is not relevant, what matters is the nature of messages communicated to customers by these companies. Self-determination of this company is manifested through their effort and culture expressed in each of their offices. This company altered its brand from Wieden & Kennedy, Inc in May 2003, which was established during its founding in 1982, in Portland, Oregon (Businessweek, 2013, 1). Nevertheless, this agency has managed to offer their marketing services through offices located in countries such as Netherlands, Britain, America, Japan, China, Brazil and India. This agency has been managed by different managing directors since its founding; for instance, Luhr was one of the managing directors who headed this agency since in 1992 after working for a period of six years and later he became a partner (Businessweek, 2013, 1). On the other hand, Wieden+Kennedy has been involved in promotions of big companies such as Nike.Therefore, this pap er analyses â€Å"Jordan BE Lifestyle Campaign† in order to discuss the topic of advertising psychology. Jordan BE Lifestyle Campaign was aimed at creating a genuine reason for Jordan Lifestyle Apparel Collection, whereby it is focused on establishing a contemporary and culturally relevant gyrate on the legacy and life of Michael Jordan (Effie Awards, 2007, 2).... yle attire category; in fact, this campaign focuses on generation of additional media impression and talk value among the principal consumers in the fashion industry (Effie Awards, 2007, 2). The campaign was also focused on generating thirty percent sale of Jordan Brand Collection attire through a credible establishment of a brand as lifestyle alternatives for customers. 2. Psychological Theory Various distinctive theories of advertising have been discerned by numerous scholars since 1900s (Loken, 2006, 454). In fact, researchers had a conviction that understanding of psychological theories in marketing would derive a significant way of conducting a systematic analysis of trade instead of relying on chances or instinct. Especially, in the America, advertising has become a serious industry; for instance, in 2007, there was one hundred and forty nine billion spent on advertisements by different companies (Effie Awards, 2007, 1). Nevertheless, study in the field of advertising theories commenced in 1903, whereby a research was conducted in psychological laboratory of Northwestern University (Loken, 2006, 460). Nevertheless, some of psychological approaches that could be applied in advertising are indentified and they have increasingly developed significantly (Lau-Gesk, 2003, 301). Therefore, this section will seek to analyze some of the psychological theories applied in â€Å"Jordan BE Lifestyle Campaign† by Wieden+Kennedy, Inc. In fact, these theories are focused on applying elements such as strategic communication and psychological alternation in potential of various customers (Cox & Cox, 2001, 103). 3. Cognitive psychology theories Cognitive psychology theories applicable to this advertisement focused on the form of self-referencing that could be utilized by the

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