Friday, December 6, 2019

Communication and Professional Relationships free essay sample

The parent’s evenings recently took place at the school where I work. During each appointment, the teacher had to explain to the parents of each pupil, exactly how their child was progressing in school. Some children had been doing very well, and so the teacher had many positive points to explain to happy parents, but, some children had not managed to achieve the targets set, or had a lower than acceptable rate of attendance. This required very effective communication as the parents had to know that there were issues that needed addressing, how the issues needed to be addressed and that if there were any relevant underlying problems or concerns that they knew about, the parents could, with confidence, tell the teacher, so that the concerns could be taken into account and helpful advice or referrals to other professional bodies could be arranged if necessary. Ineffective communication at parent’s evening could lead to a lack of confidence in the school, it would create a situation where the parent’s support could be withdrawn, This could damage the relationship between the child, the teacher and the school. If it is not ready and you have to set up lessons while the children have to wait the children will lose interest and cause a negative reaction. Another way to make a positive learning environment is to ask the children questions, for example, â€Å"do you understand the task we have to do? †, â€Å"can you tell me what you feel the outcome of the task maybe? † By asking those questions this ensures that you are aware they have full understanding of the task they have to achieve and also gives them the opportunity to ask any questions that may arise to make sure they do have full understanding. By using the four ways of effective communication you will also have an impact as a role model, as the children or young people you are working with will take lead from your behaviour, if you show respect they will follow your actions and give respect. The definition of a role model is â€Å"significant person who’s actions, speech or mannerisms are imitated by the child† – Oxford Dictionary 2011. Children will be more likely to want to learn from adults who communicate and get on than those adults who did not communicate effectively and they feel isn’t pproachable. This in turn is also teaching children to respect and communicate with each other in the appropriate way. Be friendly but authoritive. Teena Kamen states in the book teaching assistants handbook 2003 â€Å"Adults within the school also need to be good role models for behaviour. Your use on inter-personal skills with pupils and other members of staff should provide a positive role model for behaviour and effective working relationships†. Karmen, 2003, page 34. Communication difficulties may arise if the person hasn’t fully understood the task, they may have special needs for example dyslexia, partial hearing or if there is a breakdown in information. We need to make sure that we adapt the environment to meet all needs and also make sure you are teaching at the level of each individual child. â€Å"Communication difficulties can lead to isolation and frustration† Karmen, 2003 page 170. It is vital when working with children and young people that all areas of communication are followed to make sure all persons within the environment make progress in their daily tasks of work and learning. It is vital that we take into account the age and development of the children we are supporting as the consequence if we don’t can lead to a huge breakdown in communication thus making the child feel insecure and vulnerable. For instance, we would not have the same conversation with a 5 year old than that of a 20 year old. Our language would be appropriate to the child’s level to be understood and relevant. The same as we dont talk to a 15 year old the way we do a 7 year old as that may make them feel we are patronising them. We also need to take into account if the child or person has any special needs e. g. earing impairment. We need to make sure we find an effective way of communicating to them so they get a full understanding of the topic and in turn will make them feel valued. As a teaching assistant/learning mentor, you are able to take more time with students to enable effective communication, whether this is one on one support or a small group. The students will benefit from this as they have been able to understand more comprehensively the task at hand, however if they do struggle with anything we can take the extra time with them to give them guidance which will help the student fulfil their learning potential. There will be times within your profession as a teaching assistant that you will have to cover break time duties and you may find you have to deal with disagreements. The best way to do this is to separate the children from any crowd that has gathered, this ensures you can listen effectively from both sides. Speak separately to the individuals concerned to hear both sides of the story. You may also ask them what they feel the best way is to resolve the matter; this will then give the individuals the chance to speak openly to what they feel is required to resolve the matter. For example saying sorry, shaking hands etc. Explain the outcome of the resolution for instance the game of football can resume, or friendships can remain happy. If the disagreement still persists then write an account of what has been said and pass this onto the a teacher or head teacher, explain to the pupils the consequences that this carries for example sending a letter home or calling the parents in. Teena Kamen states â€Å"Use eye contact and the pupils name to gain their attention. Keep calm, sound confident and in control. If the pupil is too wound up to listen, give them a chance to calm down e. . time out† If there is a disagreement between an adult and a child then remove the child away from the adult and explain that it is time out and time to diffuse the situation. If it was myself that was in disagreement with a child I would then seek advice from the teacher or ask another adult to remove the child away from me to then give both myself and the child breathing space and this in turn will diffuse the situation. Dealing with disagreements with the practitioner and other adults may also arise, if this does happen try to diffuse the situation and offer support. If the situation then carries on, ask the adults to go to the head teachers office and take up the disagreement there. They are removing themselves from others and sorting the situation with an authoritive figure. There may be times in your job role that you will have to deal with different adults within different professions, these may consist of:- * Other teaching assistants * Teachers * Head teachers * Midday supervisors * Social services * Child welfare officers * Speech therapists * Occupational therapists * Physio therapists * Outside agencies such as D. A. R. E, fire services, police force etc. It is just as important we communicate with all adults as well as students so we all work together and all understand each other’s goals and end result. As a sign of respect for the adult take their name, make sure you have a full understanding of why they are there and follow school procedures with the adult for example showing them where to sign in, get them a visitors pass and show them where the toilet facilities are. Make sure you follow all school procedures. Confidentiality is a respect of human rights. It is very important that us as adults ensure we keep up to date with all current relevant publications and do not discuss children with anyone than those who have legal consent or have the right to know e. g. line manager, head teacher or even external professions within parental consent. It is also important that we explain to the children that we have to in some situations tell another adult, if the child wants to confide in you telling you something is happening at home in this case you have to inform the Child Protection Officer but also advise the child the positives of doing this and that it is for their safety. The Data Protection Act 1998 is in force within every school as the school holds information on every child, member of staff and volunteers of the school and therefore the 8 principles of DPA must be followed in every school. These 8 principles are as follows – * The information the school holds must only be used for the reasons in which it is kept. * The information must be kept secure at all times. * Any information must not be transferred without adequate protection. The information must be kept for longer than necessary and once un-necessary it must be destroyed. The information held must be relevant as to why it is being held. * It must be processed lawfully. * All information must be kept up to date and correct. * The information must be processed in line for each individuals rights. If any information must be shared then parental consent must be given. You must never discuss matters of pupils to:- * Other children in school * Other parents * Visitors Family and friends There are times when confidentiality must be breached as a form of effective communication and safety, for instance if the child is going through abuse, if the child is at risk, or if pupils have any specific medical needs or conditions such as asthma, epilepsy or any special needs as it is vital all members of staff are aware of the situation. Every Child Matters 2004 advises of the importance for all agencies and professionals to work together sharing information regarding the child. This is to protect the child, this act was put in force in 2004 after the unfortunate tragedy of Victoria Climbie where there was no communication between any agency or professional that had dealt with her. All schools will have procedures to follow for all aspects of confidentiality and data protection. Each school will have a safeguarding officer and 1st aider and also special forms that a parent is required to fill in to advice of any medication a child is on. A school will also need any written consent forms for parents or guardians to fill in for any school trips or school photographs or videos that may take place. It is essential while on your work placement throughout this course that all procedures are understood and followed at all times. To conclude it is of upmost importance within a school environment that all communication is effective for all individuals which will in turn provide security, wellness of individuals and make the school a safe and enjoyable place to be.

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